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Renewable energy resources are sustainable and endless. In addition, these energies are generated using non-carbon-based and green resources such as solar, wind, marine, geothermal, water flow and hydrogen. Therefore, renewable energies do not have the disadvantages of the fossil fuel- fired power generating plants, such as the greenhouse gas emissions caused by the use of hydrocarbons and other fossil fuels.

The recent developments in renewable energy technologies and governments supports have increased the profitability of the renewable energy power plants and made these projects economically feasible and more bankable. The environmental and economic advantages of renewable energies have led to a dramatic increase in these projects in developed, developing and even less- developed countries.

In line with the global approach to renewable energy, Petro Power Construction has paid particular attention to developing its capabilities and becoming an important player in the development of renewable energy projects and energy efficiency.

Petro Power Construction offers end-to-end delivery of a diverse range of renewable energy projects, including Solar Photovoltaic, Wind energy (onshore-offshore), Biomass, Wave and Hydropower, Solar Water Heating, Waste to Energy, Combined Heat and Power and Energy Storage plants.  

PPC implements renewable energy projects in collaboration with major engineering and manufacturing companies using cutting-edge technologies and the most advanced equipment/ materials to deliver quality, efficient and reliable power supply facilities.